
I don’t mind being burdened with being glamorous and sexual

My name is Candace and from a young age, my provocative nature has often got me into trouble. My mischievous smile provides only a mere glimpse into how I am able to captivate you and draw you into my realm of playful mischief.

As a busty blonde, I am your ideal piece of arm candy that will instantly make your friends jealous.

By satisfying your initial desires by what you see in front of you, I am able to take you to the next level of fulfillment by the tone of my voice, the way I look at you like no one else is in the room, and how I am able to push all of the hot buttons on your body.

With experience comes confidence, and a confident lover is always in demand. I can easily take charge when you need me to, and can take direction from you, responding appropriately, in turn, to your specific desires. I am not afraid to ask questions, and can offer you the benefits of my experience to ensure you are properly satisfied.

Whether we are together in public or behind closed doors, I know how to keep your attention and ensure we both enjoy each other’s company. I am not your typical date who just nods and smiles – I engage you in both verbal and nonverbal communication cues so that you can both hear and feel my affections.

I look forward to showing you the benefit of seeing a mature escort. I exude confidence and “I don’t mind being burdened with being glamorous and sexual.”

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